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WVI lent their helping hands during the event of significant malnutrition and measles that happened through early 2018 in Asmat. They continued to cooperate with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Agats on Program Asmat Sehat (Healthy Asmat Program) from May 2018 to January 2019.
Witnessing the situation and the constant needs, Wahana Visi Indonesia decided to continue their work in Asmat through the ASMAT HOPE (Health Transformation through People Empowerment) program since May 2019. The service area covers two districts, namely Sirets District and Jetsi District. Sirets District assisted Damen Village, and Jetsi District assisted Warse, Birak and Akamar Village.
One of the challenges that they found was the availability of clean water for daily activities, such as showering, laundering, cooking, and drinking. The people of Asmat still use river water without prior processing due to the lack of Rainwater Reservoirs (Penampungan Air Hujan), which are still not enough to accommodate four villages’ needs.